Thursday, 3 April 2014

Connor Ferrick Serves As The Principle Of The Ferrick Lawfirm

The principle of The Ferrick Lawfirm is none other than Connor Ferrick. She is the ever-present guiding force behind the law firm's success. Connor Ferrick is a an attorney who has experienced success largely because of her education and her previous experience in the field. She is a professional who is driven and determined to protect the interests of her clients first and foremost. Connor Ferrick's law firm bears her surname and is based out of Troy, Michigan, serving the people of Troy and the surrounding areas. Connor Ferrick's experience has helped to make her into the attorney she is today. Her career path includes working as an associate with several prestigious law firms over the years. She learned a number of vital skills during this time that she put to good use later in her career when she sought to run her own law firm.

Connor Ferrick has worked as an associate attorney at law firms like Miller, Canfield, Paddock & Stone, PLC, Baskin & Feldstein, and Frasco and Caponigro PC. These are prestigious law firms which helped to teach Connor Ferrick what she needed to know in order to found and run her own successful law firm. Connor Ferrick has proven over the course of her career that she is able to handle the cases that she comes across. She has built The Ferrick Lawfirm into a reputable law firm by relying on good business practices and her own dedication to clients' needs.

The Ferrick Lawfirm has always placed an emphasis on divorce and family law above all else. If you need help with a case regarding divorce, custody, or property division, then The Ferrick Lawfirm is probably the firm you want to seek out for help. Connor Ferrick is extremely experienced when it comes to the complex legal issues surrounding divorce and family law. She wants to be able to achieve positive results for her clients ever single time. However, she is not only able to practice in the divorce and family law fields. Connor Ferrick is a skilled litigator who has extensive experience with mergers and acquisitions and contract negotiations, as well.